It was so great to hang out with all my kids yesterday. Jacob and Blaire always get along and hearing Zoe squeal from the back seat, 'Are we at Jacob's school yet'? just amazes me what has transpired in the last 10 months. I remember back when we first introduced the idea of adoption to the kids. They were settled with life as it was. At the time, Jacob wasn't a fan of change, and so we were in the car talking about raising kids and I told him we were thinking about adoption. I remember his reaction was, 'no, no, no'! I told him to pray about it. He was 13 and I knew he would. We had just moved him from his old neighborhood and school that he was very comfortable in. We moved churches as well and he seemed to always be in a new environment. We prayerfully made all those moves and this was no exception. Blaire just wanted a sister so she was on board. Two weeks later Jacob said he prayed and we should adopt. Who knew at that time, across the globe, a little girl was born and her father had died around this time. Her mother struggled to feed her kids and who knows who put the idea of relinquishing her rights in her head but I'm sure it wasn't an easy and quick decision by any means. That same girl is upset with Jacob four hours later when we have to say goodbye and leave him at college. Today is just a quick lunch visit and she folds her arms in protest but kisses her brother and doesn't understand that he will be home for a break in 6 days. It makes me cry to see the love that has formed between these two. Even the look on Blaire's face when she comes home from school every day to get a hug from her new sister. It doesn't seem so new anymore. Its regular life in the Clode household. I think back to some things I tried to instill in my kids growing up.
1. Home is a safe place. There was no tolerance for sibling rivalry. They were to respect one another and not call each other names. 'Stupid' was banned from our vocabulary to the point of when I read a book with that word in it I would say 'silly'. It was hard for me to hear Scott read that same book and he didn't get the word change 'memo'. LOL. The kids are friends now and I believe Zoe feels safe here. We can't control how people treat us in the world so I put up boundaries in our home.
2. God became apart of our everyday life. I remember getting Jacob dressed for church on a Sunday morning in his suit and tie. He was 6 years old and he yelled out he hated going to church and he didn't want to go. My heart sank and I felt like I failed as a mother. We decided that making him was the answer that day but we also didn't make church the only time he heard about God. Our kids began to see that worshiping Jesus can be done around the dinner table, through our conversation, or in the car when we can sing to Him. We began to see that our clothes and when we attended church wasn't the issue. Prayerfully our kids got to see God work in their lives and I think our whole adoption story has changed their lives forever.
3. Our kids aren't the center of our family. Let me explain. I believe God has created marriage forever. Scott and I were married for three years before Jacob came along. Having a baby didn't come between Scott and I. Literally, he didn't sleep between us in our bed. He needed to respect Daddy and Mommy time and we left him with babysitters and went on vacation once in a while without him ( and Blaire when she came along). I believe in kids seeing their parents be in control and not the other way around. This was demonstrated to Zoe day 1. She would flip out about a lot of things and of course we had to allow her time to feel acclimated and comfortable and safe. But she never slept in our bed and I stood my ground on how she was treating all of us when she wanted her way. To make her feel apart of this family I only knew to treat her like the others. That's why I think she fits in so well. She officially was named Zoe Ayame Clode on Jan.7, 2014. She goes to preschool, loves singing about Jesus, and loves hanging out with our family and friends. She gets upset when she has to share her toys because she's four. She is a great eater and knows she has to stay in her seat in a restaurant. She is learning to dress herself and make her bed. I'm a mother of three and I'm so proud of all of them.
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